One Great Hole — Part First

Note: yes, that is intentional. While slightly off topic, one person I know thought for many years that part of the temple symbolism represented “One Great Hole,” and wondered when that concept would make sense to her. While I knew better than she what it meant, I wasn’t much further ahead (though in my arrogance, > > Read More …

There’s More

Opening the day, I’ was pondering yesterday’s experiences sharing personal aspects of The One Hypothesis with my Bishop and his wife, and later with the Rabbi. Let me give you the bottom line before laying in the background. I wonder if I had an opportunity to share the following with a congregation, would  they grok > > Read More …

Heavenly Father Likes Potato Salad

I believe The One Hypothesis to be correct. Generally, I try to include a reasonable degree of personal sacred experiences, erring on the side of slightly too much rather than too little, but certainly not everything. For a moment here, I turn off that filter. Filter off My morning prayer was singular. A few minutes > > Read More …

The Zion Zoo — Part I : Fail

There have been many extraordinary attempts to create Zion that have ended in abject failure, some very recent. I would like to add my own to the list. Joy and I have invited a number of individuals who had a variety of needs into our home over the last year. Each was a unique experience. > > Read More …