The Power Of Godliness Is Manifest (continued)

As I lay in bed pondering ordinances and yesterday’s clues, I wondered how I might share these things with my LDS brethren. I thought that a “lesson plan” might be constructed this way. Note: this is purely hypothetical. Write two columns on the board, with 10 rows per column with the title “Miracles.” Ask for > > Read More …

The Power Of Godliness Is Manifest

I have heard this quoted so many times. I don’t think I have ever understood it. Using the contrapositive of D&C 84:20-21 we have: if the power of godliness is manifest, then there must have been ordinances and priesthood authority. How does that work? For example, if a young boy exercises faith sufficient to see > > Read More …

Upon The Mountain — Reflections (Part 4.0 of 4)

After nearly a month of contemplation, there are a number of things that come to mind that I feel a need to clarify and to explore. Whereas I can’t see doing all that in one post, this is the first of several. The others will follow as Part 4.1 of 4, etc. 1. All of > > Read More …

Upon the Mountain — Introduction Addenda (Part 1 of 4)

Awaking this morning, it was made clear that there were some things of import missing from the prior post. On July 24th and 25th, we received some singular revelations. This was in consequence of offering the prayer on July 23 to ask for a little more time, for which the parallels to the servant pleading > > Read More …

Upon the Mountain — Introduction (Part 1 of 4)

If you have been following this blog, you know that Joy and I have been praying regularly to be shown our false beliefs (unbeliefs) and false traditions. We have been less diligent than we should have been in studying and preparing ourselves. It appears that the Lord is done waiting for us. Over the last > > Read More …

Peace, Peace, Peace Shalom, Shalom, Shalom

One of my favorite words is shalom, the meaning of which is very different than the word peace. Even if shalom is substituted for peace in The Testimony of St. John, the surrounding text very much changes the depth and the beauty of a number of Christ’s teachings by narrowing the meaning to a more > > Read More …

Exit Plan B

Might we correctly say that Heavenly Father does not want us to have to repent? What if we thought of this as Plan of Happiness, Plan A? Have faith in Christ (always remember Him; always keep His commandments) Receive the constant companionship of the Spirit In short, Plan A. Obedience. What if we thought of > > Read More …

Soul Food – for a Hungry Soul

It is Christmas morning. Joy is in Vermont with Heather and the boys. Mitchell is in Clovis, NM. The rest of the family is in UT. The snow is lightly falling, adding to the pines’ now substantial flocked frock. Beautiful. Break-fast concluded the 40th day of this extended sequence of fasts. I do not feel > > Read More …