The Power Of Godliness Is Manifest

I have heard this quoted so many times. I don’t think I have ever understood it. Using the contrapositive of D&C 84:20-21 we have: if the power of godliness is manifest, then there must have been ordinances and priesthood authority. How does that work? For example, if a young boy exercises faith sufficient to see > > Read More …

One Great Hole — Part First

Note: yes, that is intentional. While slightly off topic, one person I know thought for many years that part of the temple symbolism represented “One Great Hole,” and wondered when that concept would make sense to her. While I knew better than she what it meant, I wasn’t much further ahead (though in my arrogance, > > Read More …

The Zion Zoo — Part I : Fail

There have been many extraordinary attempts to create Zion that have ended in abject failure, some very recent. I would like to add my own to the list. Joy and I have invited a number of individuals who had a variety of needs into our home over the last year. Each was a unique experience. > > Read More …